The Dubin Family Foundation

Est. 2002

Our Mission

Established in 2002 by the American investor and philanthropist Glenn Dubin and his wife Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, the Dubin Family Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and investing in national and local New York City charities. For nearly 20 years, the Foundation has focused its giving around four key pillars:

  1. Poverty Alleviation
  2. Healthcare & Research
  3. Education
  4. The Arts

As the foundation enters in its third decade of activity, Mr. and Dr. Dubin are joined by their children—Celina Dubin, Jordan Dubin, and Maya Dubin—in the management of the organization.

The Foundation’s History

Glenn Dubin grew up in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, where he attended the local public school, PS 132. His father, born in Brooklyn, worked as a taxi driver and his mother, an Austrian immigrant, was employed as a hospital administrator. Dubin became the first in his family to attend college, graduating in 1978 from Stony Brook University with a degree in Economics.

Dubin pursued a career in finance and eventually became widely recognized as one of the pioneers of the hedge fund industry, having founded and led a number of successful fund management businesses. As he began to amass wealth from his successful ventures, Dubin turned to philanthropy and the patronage of local New York City organizations as a way to give back to the community that had empowered him to pursue his American dream.

I – Poverty alleviation

In 1987, Dubin co-founded the Robin Hood Foundation alongside Paul Tudor Jones and Peter Borish. Concerned about the growing economic disparity in New York City and the lack of public resources needed to address it, Jones enlisted Dubin and Borish to help him create a foundation that leveraged disciplined investment principles to sustainably fund the most impactful and scalable solutions to lift families out of poverty in New York City.

The Robin Hood Foundation pioneered a new model for philanthropy–what is referred to today as venture philanthropy. The organization influenced the creation of poverty alleviation programs around the world and has been a significant philanthropic force in New York City for over three decades. It has distributed over $3 billion to organizations that address disparities in education, housing, food insecurity, health, and workforce development.

In 2002, Dubin and his wife, Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, founded the Dubin Family Foundation in order to expand the couple’s philanthropic activities beyond Robin Hood.

II – Healthcare & Research

A survivor of breast cancer herself and a passionate advocate for improved patient care, Dr. Andersson-Dubin spearheaded the Foundation’s endowment of the Dubin Breast Center, a leading institution for breast cancer research and clinical care within New York’s Mount Sinai Medical Center. Inspired by her own experience with breast cancer, Dr. Andersson-Dubin has dedicated the past decade to working alongside the Center’s staff to establish holistic and compassionate approaches to breast cancer patient care irrespective of each patient’s soci-economic status.

In addition to endowing the Dubin Breast Center, Mr. and Dr. Dubin support several national organizations focused on breast cancer research and advocacy.

III – Education

A proud graduate of Stony Brook University, Glenn Dubin has remained close to his alma mater. In 2005, the Foundation established the The Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship Fund at Stony Brook, which offers scholarships to students from the economically disadvantaged Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City where Dubin grew up. In 2010 and 2015, the Dubin Family Foundation endowed the Dubin Family Athletic Performance Center and Indoor Training Facility, revitalizing Stony Brook’s aging sports facilities.

In 2010, the Foundation established The Dubin Fellowship for Emerging Leaders at the Center for Public Leadership, an academic research center at the Harvard Kennedy School. Over the last decade, the fellowship has provided tuition for up to ten students each year. In addition, the Foundation has supported undergraduate scholarship and student life initiatives at Harvard College.

IV – The Arts

Glenn Dubin has served as a member of the board of trustees of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York for over a decade. Since 2012, the Dubin Family has gifted and pledged numerous key pieces of art to the museum’s permanent collection.

The Giving Pledge

On April 19, 2012, Mr. and Dr. Dubin signed The Giving Pledge, a commitment to giving away 50% of their wealth to charity within their lifetime. At the time of the announcement, Dubin stated: “Philanthropy is my way of giving thanks for the opportunities I have had and my personal attempt to perpetuate the American dream. I started my career with nothing but opportunity. Thirty years later, I’m in a position where I can give back to society to try to improve lives and ensure that others have the same opportunities that I did. Here, we have a cycle of giving that helps to position the less advantaged to earn their own success – and then hopefully give back as well.”

The Foundation’s Leadership